Update on My MRI Results and Recovery Path

This past week has been a pivotal one in my journey toward recovery. After receiving the results of an arthrogram MRI on my left shoulder, I gained a clearer, albeit sobering, understanding of the injuries sustained from last year’s cycling crash. Unpacking the MRI Findings The MRI detailed several significant issues: The Severity and Impact […]

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Taking Stock

As we move deeper into 2024, I find myself at a crossroads that I hadn’t anticipated at the beginning of the year. The past few months have been marked by a severe shoulder injury, initiating a sobering period of introspection and adjustment that has significantly impacted my cycling journey and overall well-being. Reflecting on Recent […]

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Bass Lake Powerhouse Double Century: The Ride That Wasn’t Meant to Be

In the realm of endurance cycling, every ride has its own set of surprises and challenges—some pleasant and others not so much. After completing the grueling Hoodoo 300 and working through various obstacles in the Eastern Sierra Double Century, I felt like I was prepared for anything. But the Bass Lake Powerhouse Double Century on […]

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Triumph Over Adversity: Overcoming Injury and Illness to Conquer the Eastern Sierra Double Century

In the realm of cycling, some stories are more about the journey than the destination, more about the fight than the victory. My journey through the 2023 edition of the Eastern Sierra Double Century is one such story, marked by trials, tribulations, and ultimately triumph. This was my third California Triple Crown double century of […]

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On the Road to Recovery, Again . . .

As previously reported, re-injured my Achilles’ tendon at the Eastern Sierra Double Century in early June, and I have, for the most part, been off the bike since then. It has been an opportunity to work on strengthening my core and upper body. I recently started ramping up my cycling again and will begin easing […]

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June Updates: Two Double Centuries, Re-Injury, and More

Time has been in short supply over the past few month, and as a result I have not posted here as often as I would like. It has been about a month since my last post, and a lot has happened since then. So, I am writing this “mega update” post to fill in some […]

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Return to Camp 9

From my living room window, I can see the radio towers at the top of Mt. Pinetos, where the Camp 9 Fire Suppression Camp is located. Mt. Pinetos sits on the southern edge of the Santa Clarita Valley, along the Bear Divide, and it is part of the San Gabriel Mountain Range. The mountain beckons […]

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Turning the Corner?

It’s time for another update regarding my progress in physical therapy. As mentioned in my last post, my recovery from Achilles tendonitis and knee pain has been frustrating. Sometimes it seemed I was taking two steps forward and one step back. Sometimes, I wondered if I would ever fully recover. So, when I say that […]

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Assessing the Damage, Picking Up the Pieces, and Making a Plan

Physical therapy is going well, but it has been a rough week. Along the way, I felt like I had taken two steps forward and one step back. On Presidents’ Day weekend, I was able to ride two days. On Saturday, February 19, I rode 87km (as previously reported), and on Monday, February 21, I […]

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Little Progress, But I’ll Take What I Can Get!

I am still in the process of healing and recovering from the Achilles tendonitis that I have been dealing with in my left leg. After my second week of physical therapy, I believe that I am making some progress—Not a lot of it, but I’ll take what I can get! This week, I had physical […]

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