Update on My MRI Results and Recovery Path

This past week has been a pivotal one in my journey toward recovery. After receiving the results of an arthrogram MRI on my left shoulder, I gained a clearer, albeit sobering, understanding of the injuries sustained from last year’s cycling crash. Unpacking the MRI Findings The MRI detailed several significant issues: The Severity and Impact […]

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Taking Stock

As we move deeper into 2024, I find myself at a crossroads that I hadn’t anticipated at the beginning of the year. The past few months have been marked by a severe shoulder injury, initiating a sobering period of introspection and adjustment that has significantly impacted my cycling journey and overall well-being. Reflecting on Recent […]

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Reflecting on 2023 and Looking Ahead to 2024

A Year of Triumphs and Challenges As we step into 2024, it’s a time for reflection and anticipation. The past year, 2023, was a memorable one in my cycling journey. While it came with its share of challenges, it was also filled with remarkable achievements that I will cherish forever. 2023 in Numbers These numbers, […]

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The Road to Hoodoo 300: Climbing Higher and Getting Stronger

This past Saturday, I found myself returning to the familiar landscapes of Mt Pinos. Much like my previous rides, I sought maintain an easy endurance pace, at about 65% of my functional threshold power. As the miles went by and I drew closer to the summit, I was reminded of the early morning rides from […]

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Mindfulness and the Art of Self-Deception

As cyclists, athletes, and even in our everyday lives, we often find ourselves pushed to the brink of our physical or emotional capacities. It’s in these moments that the battle turns inward, where our determination, resilience, and mental fortitude are put to the ultimate test. Over time, I’ve learned that to conquer the body’s resistance, […]

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The Road to Hoodoo 300: Mojave Mastery and Lessons Learned

As I continue my journey towards the Hoodoo 300, my training is becoming more focused and intense. Recently, I embarked on an arduous 141-mile training ride (Kill Bill Church / It’s a G Thing ), which began in Santa Clarita and meandered through Bouquet Canyon and Godde Hill, finally extending to Lancaster and the end […]

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The Road to Hoodoo 300: Training with My Support Crew on the Santa Clarita to Stallion Springs Route

With the recent completion of the Eastern Sierra Double Century, my sights are now firmly set on the upcoming Hoodoo 300 Non-Stop Solo race in August. This race presents an additional layer of complexity as I will be relying heavily on my support crew for nutrition, hydration, and other needs—a dynamic I haven’t had to […]

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June Updates: Two Double Centuries, Re-Injury, and More

Time has been in short supply over the past few month, and as a result I have not posted here as often as I would like. It has been about a month since my last post, and a lot has happened since then. So, I am writing this “mega update” post to fill in some […]

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Salty’s Squad 2022!

If you’ve seen me out riding around, you know that I am always carrying around a bunch of GU Energy gels, chews, and hydration tabs. I was first exposed to their innovative energy gels back in the late 1990s, and I have been using their products almost exclusively to fuel my endurance activities. Along the […]

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An Unintentional “Rest” Weekend

This weekend was a perfect storm of work, family, and other commitments that worked together to force me into an unintentional “rest” weekend. I had planned to do a shorter ride on Saturday, so that I could be home in time to take my family out to a nice dinner to celebrate my son’s acceptance […]

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